Just like painting your house, prep work is important to achieve your healthy goals.
Yesterday my wife and I were onsite doing all the prep work to get our brand new personal training studio ready to open. There’s still s good amount to do: painting, getting new equipment in, installing large mirrors, assembling equipment, getting it COVID-19 ready, safe and healthy and so much more. I greatly underestimated the amount of time it would take to do some (what I thought were) very simple tasks. Take painting the front door, for example.
The prep work for painting that front door included taping the nine small glass panes that make up the windows, removing the door knob and deadbolt lock, laying out the drop cloth, and preparing the paint and brushes. The taping took the longest time of all the tasks. As we were burnishing the tape to the windows I was explaining to my wife that you want nice crisp tape lines so that there was less cleanup work and the job would look neat, clean and fully professional.
“This is the entryway to our place of business. It’s the starting point for the experience people will have when they enter our personal training studio for the first time. That experience needs to be flawless. People need to see how clean and neat and professional the place is. It makes the environment look healthy If you do a sloppy paint job or there is a tiny bit of dust in one corner or there is a tiny spot on the wall, then people will notice and it will send the wrong message that we don’t care enough about the place to keep it clean and neat and, therefore, that we don’t care enough about them. It can’t look sloppy or it’ll make us look sloppy and sloppy is not our brand.”
That’s when I realized that preparing for a painting job was just like preparing for a fitness journey.
Prep Work Takes Commitment
If you want to be healthy, then you need to do some prep work. Start by identifying your goals. Well, then you need to take an honest look at where you are so that you know how far you need to go. Here’s a simple guideline for getting healthy:
- Know What You Want: To Achieve: Do you want to lose weight? Get stronger? Increase energy? Have better health? Not having a goal is like shooting without a target. You’ll fire a lot of shots, but you’ll miss every time. Write it down and be very specific about what you want. What will you look like? Where will you be when you achieved your goal and how would it feel? Would you feel proud? Free? Empowered? Again, write it down and record every detail.
- Put a Date on It: A goal without a date isn’t a goal at all, it’s simply a wish. If you want to lose 20 lbs, then set a date of some sort of significance by which you’ll have lost the 20lbs. For example, “I will be healthy by losing 20 lbs. by Labor Day, Monday September 7th.
- Set A Plan and Commit: Not only do you need to decide what you’re willing to do in order to reach those goals, you will also need to decide what you’re willing to give up in order to get healthy. Here’s an example: “I will exercise 4 times per week, take the stairs instead of the elevator, drink more water and follow my nutrition plan. I will give up soda, beer and sweets for the next three months in order to lose 20 lbs.”
- Take Action: Finally, you need to show your commitment by taking action and following the plan. Do each little task each and every day, Tasks should be small enough to be achievable and consistent enough for a long enough time in order to yield results.
Over Committing Is A Death Sentence
Here’s where almost everyone screws up. They set a plan, get all revved up and shoot out of the gate like gangbusters. They go to the gym 6 days a week, working out for 2 hours a day. Go on a “salad diet” cutting out all the foods they like. Give up beer, wine and soda. Drink a gallon of water a day and … burn out or go insane after 2-3 weeks and then rebound and eat everything in sight, drink like a fish and quit the gym altogether.
This is how 93% of people approach a diet or weight loss goal. And all 93% fail. So, what’s the secret to success in gaining a healthy lifestyle?
THIS VIDEO outlines everything you need to know in order to get started and get excellent results in fitness. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE »
Want to Know More?
If you want to get a prep work plan laid out for you, then just comment below with the words “prep work” and we will private message you with some details.
Tony Bianchino is a Nationally Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist
Yours in health,
Tony Bianchino
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition
web: www.outrunyourfork.com
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