Not too long ago I was sitting with my good friend, Charlie, and I asked him,”Hey Charlie, what’s the easiest way to get rid of belly fat?””C’mon, Tony, you know the answer to that question.” I was pretty sure I did, but I wanted to see if he knew something I didn’t. Charlie continued, “The secret to losing belly fat and keeping it off is simply a matter of controlling your levels of insulin!”Watch This Quick Video To Learn How To Manage Your Insulin[youtube]Now, although I have been in the fitness business for three decades I’m always in the process of keeping up on any new developments. This was nothing new to me so I said,”Seriously, Charlie,” I laughed, “there’s got to be some new trick or scientific development that targets belly fat.””I’ll tell you what, Tony,” Charlie said, “if I find a new trick or tip you’ll be the first person I call.” Charlie stopped and thought for a moment. Then his lips parted and his eyes flashed as he turned to me and said, “You know,” Charlie smiled, “someone should teach this at a very fundamental level.”And there it was. My “Aha” moment.It came to me in a rush like a movie sequence. I quickly scanned my memory for every video, book and article that I had ever seen regarding weight loss, health and wellness. Within seconds I realized that there really were no good resources that taught these topics in a simple, yet comprehensive way. They were either too scientific or too broad. Most even teased us us with the dream of having a flatter belly and then enticed us into buying their “groundbreaking” pill or cream that would magically shrink your belly in only 10 days. But, they were all complete bullshit or, at the very least, extraordinarily inaccurate.
It was then that I made a commitment to bringing the world the most accurate information in a fun, interactive format. If we make fitness fun, then why can’t we teach with the same level of entertainment? The answer: We Can!Welcome to the first ever, no baloney, fun and entertaining fitness show on earth (thanks P.T. Barnum).Chug on over to our YouTube channel, subscribe to my blog and link up with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for all the real info and … quite a bit of fun! Glad to have you walk this journey with me.About Tony and Out Run Your Fork:I’ve been involved in healthy living almost my entire life. It’s not just about personal training or nutrition. It’s not just about getting ripped or 6 pack abs. It’s not just about weight loss programs or diets. It’s about YOU.At Out Run Your Fork we make fitness fun! Our Personal Training and Nutritional Programming are designed with YOU in mind. We cater to each individual and custom tailor every program to fit your specific needs. Whether it’s overcoming an injury, lowering your cholesterol or looking for a kick-butt workout we’ve got you covered!Unlocking the power of your genetics we use real science to identify the traits that cause you to gain weight. Your program is then designed according to your busy lifestyle, individual food preferences, and unique genetic profile. It’s the perfect combination to help catapult you toward becoming the best you that you can be!So give us a call to set up your free, no-obligation Personal Training or Nutrition session today. We guarantee you’ll change the way you feel about working out!